
The Offshore Wind Facts Website was developed and is maintained by the Special Initiative on Offshore Wind (SIOW) with input from a Project Steering Committee, plus additional reviewers and technical experts. They each help in their own unique and valuable way to support the development of and updates to this website. Although they support the development and review of this website, it may not reflect their specific views or interpretations, or the views of their organizations.

The SIOW team would like to thank everyone who contributed for their insights, analysis, and guidance, including:

Susan Barco – Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative

Catherine Bowes – Turn Forward

Joseph Brodie – AKRF

Ross Gould – The Oceantic Network

Chris Haney – National Audubon Society

Amber Hewett – National Wildlife Federation

Lyndie Hice-Dunton – National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium

Willett Kempton – University of Delaware

Jen McCann – University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center/Rhode Island Sea Grant

Dev Millstein – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Douglas Nowacek – Duke University

Melinda Rekdahl – Wildlife Conservation Society

Emily Shumchenia – Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative

Shayna Steingard – National Wildlife Federation

Amy Trice – Northeast Regional Ocean Council

Fred Zalcman – New York Offshore Wind Alliance