Additional Resources for Information on Offshore Wind

Explore these external resources for additional information, data, reports, and studies related to offshore wind and associated topics.

Deeper Dives – from the Offshore Wind Facts Team

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

Ocean Hydrodynamics

Federal Agencies 

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is the lead federal regulator for offshore wind energy development.

The Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a key federal agency in regulating offshore wind energy development, consulting to BOEM on key issues such as protected species and fisheries management in the federal permitting process.

State Agencies


Maine – Governor’s Office 

New Hampshire – Department of Energy 

Massachusetts – Department of Energy Resources 

Rhode Island – Department of Environmental Management 

Rhode Island – Office of Energy Resources 

Connecticut – Offshore Wind Roadmap 

New York – New York State Energy Research and Development Authority 

New Jersey – Board of Public Utilities 

New Jersey – Department of Environmental Protection 

Delaware – Department of Environmental Resources and Environmental Control 

Maryland – Department of Environmental Resources 

Maryland – Energy Administration

Virginia – Department of Energy 

North Carolina – Environmental Quality  

South Carolina – Energy Office 

Gulf of Mexico

Louisiana – Department of Energy and Natural Resources 

Texas – Comptroller Office 


Oregon – Department of Energy 

California – Coastal Commission 

California – Energy Commission 

Hawaii – State Energy Office

More on Offshore Wind Energy Topics

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

Real Offshore Wind 

Sea Grant 

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

University of Rhode Island (URI) 

United States Department of Energy (DOE)

Columbia University

Duke University

Wind Turbine-Radar Interference Mitigation (WTRIM)

Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy 

Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research

Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Offshore Wind Energy – United States Department of Energy (DOE)

More on Birds and Bats

National Audubon Society

More on Fisheries

NYSERDA F-TWG – Fisheries Technical Working Group


More on Marine Mammals

BOEM – Offshore Wind and Marine Mammals Protection

NYSERDA E-TWG – Whale Communications Committee

NOAA – 2016-2024 Humpback Whale Unusual Mortality Event 

More on Ocean Acidification

NOAA Fisheries – Understanding Ocean Acidification 

More on Ocean Hydrodynamics

National Academies – Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Modeling 

More on Economics 

NREL Annual Market Reports – The 2023 Report Market Report 

Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Offshore Wind

Science and Research

BOEM’s Environmental Studies Program

Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative (RWSC)Science Plan 

New Jersey Research and Monitoring Initiative – (RMI)

Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA) – Regional Framework Database

NYSERDA Technical Working Groups – (TWGs

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